Saturday, November 26, 2011

Taking Care of Sensitive Skin- Dos And Don'ts

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Don't wash your face with soap, as it can irritate the skin. Always opt for a gentle cleanser, preferably without perfumes or colorants.Cleaning and moisturizing your skin are very important parts of your basic skin care regime, and those with sensitive skin should use products that are as pure as possible. Choose products that are fragrance-free, color-free, and preservative-free.

Don't tan. Don't fool yourself; there's no such thing as safe tanning. Any kind of exposure to the sun will result in damage, from wrinkles, liver spots, and even skin cancer.Don't touch or rub your face. Touching your face transfers oil to your skin that can leave it clogged, which can cause acne to develop.

Sensitive skin is characterized by skin that reacts adversely to changes to the environment, such as too much sun, extreme temperatures, or reactions to certain cosmetics or other pharmaceuticals. Sensitive skin can react by becoming swollen, red, itchy or dry. Sometimes, sensitive skin can be confused with skin disorders such as eczema or rosacea. If you think you might have sensitive skin, you may want to consult a dermatologist, who can determine if you're suffering from a skin disorder. Sensitive skin can vary from mild to severe, but it can be managed with good skin care. Here are a few tips for taking care of sensitive skin.

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Do exfoliate once a week. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells, which in turn promotes the growth of new, healthy skin cells, and leaves your skin looking smoother.Do use sun screen to protect your face when you go out in the sun. Our faces are the most exposed parts of our bodies and it sees the most sun damage. Use a moisturizer that has an SPF of at least 15 or use a sun screen in conjunction with your moisturizer.

Do wash your face twice a day; once in the morning and again before you go to bed.Do always take off your makeup before you go to bed, no matter how late it is or how tired you are. Makeup will clog the pores if left on for too long, which can cause acne to develop.Do always use a moisturizer. Even if you don't have particularly oily skin, moisturizer can help hydrate the skin. Without the hydration, skin can become dry and eventually promote wrinkles.

Don't smoke. Have you ever noticed the skin of someone that is a lifelong smoker? It looks tissue paper thin and is likely covered in wrinkles. Even if you do smoke, stop, in order to prevent this from happening to you.

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